Article 163. Calls for tenders and notices relating to contracts awarded.

1. Tender notices can be used as a means of calling for tenders for all procedures. They shall contain the information referred to in the relevant provisions of Annex II.6, Part II and shall be published in accordance with Article 164. 2. Within thirty days of the conclusion of a contract or framework agreement following the relevant decision to award or conclusion, the contracting authorities and granting bodies send an award notice reporting the results of the procurement procedure. This notice contains the information referred to in Annex II.6, Part II, Section G, and is published in accordance with article 164. The provisions of article 111, paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 also apply. 3. In the case of contracts for research and development services, hereinafter "R&D services", the information regarding the nature and quantity of the services may be limited to: a) the indication "R&D services" if the contract has been awarded by negotiated procedure without a call for competition in accordance with Article 158, paragraph 2, letter b); b) information that is at least as detailed as specified in the notice used as a means of calling for competition. 4. The information provided to the pursuant to Annex II.6, Part II, Section G, and not intended for publication are published only in simplified form and for statistical reasons. EFFECTIVE FROM: 1 July 2023


REPORT Article 163, concerning tender notices and notices relating to awarded contracts, constitutes a reproduction of the Union legislation, with reference to: -> the content and methods of publica...
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