Article 127. Rules applicable to social and similar services.

1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6 of the code, for the awarding of social services and other similar services referred to in Annex XIV to Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014, for values equal to or higher than the threshold referred to in Article 14, paragraph 1 letter d), the contracting authorities shall proceed alternatively: a) by means of a tender notice or notice which includes the information referred to in Annex II.6, Part I, letter E; b) by means of a pre-information notice, published continuously for periods not exceeding twenty-four months, containing the information referred to in Annex II.6, Part I, letter F, with the warning that the award will take place without further publication of a call for tenders. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 do not apply when, in the presence of the conditions set out in Article 76, a negotiated procedure is used without publication of a notice. 3. The occurrence assignment of the service is made known through the publication of the award notice referred to in Annex II.6, Part I, letter G. It is possible to group the notices on a quarterly basis, in which case they are sent cumulatively at the latest thirty days after the end of each quarter. 4. The notices and tender notices for assignments in the special sectors referred to in Article 173 contain the information referred to in Annex II.6, Part III, in accordance with the model forms established by European Commission through implementing acts. 5. The notices referred to in this Article shall be published in accordance with Article 164. EFFECTIVE FROM: 1 July 2023


REPORT Article 127 contains the regulations concerning the awarding of social services and other services similar to them for values equal to or greater than the threshold referred to in the new arti...


NEW • In paragraph 6 there is a reference to the art. 6 and therefore to the provisions of the so-called Third Sector Code. The expression 'other specific services' (contained in article 140 of Legis...
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