Article 166. Information for applicants for qualification, candidates and tenderers.

1. As regards information to those who have requested qualification, to candidates and tenderers, the provisions of article 90 and paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this article apply. 2. The contracting authorities or granting bodies that establish or manage a qualification system inform applicants of the decision taken within six months of submitting the application. If the decision takes more than four months, the reasons for the extension will be communicated within two months of submitting the application and the new deadline will be indicated. The contracting authority or granting body communicates to the applicant the reasons for the extension of the deadline and indicates the date by which the decision will take place. 3. Applicants whose qualification is rejected are informed of the decision and the related reasons immediately and in any case within fifteen days from the date of the denial decision. The reasons are based on the qualification criteria referred to in article 168. 4. The contracting authorities or granting bodies may revoke the qualification only for reasons based on the qualification criteria referred to in article 168, informing the operator in writing financial statement of the reasons underlying it, at least fifteen days before the date set for the decision. EFFECTIVE FROM: 1 July 2023


REPORT Finally, Article 166 regulates the regime of information to those who have requested qualification, to candidates and tenderers. The article in question represents a reproduction of the Union...


USEFUL ADVICE FOR SA AND OE - The SA that has established a qualification system informs applicants of the decision taken within 6 months of submitting the application, but if the decision takes more...
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