Annex I 13 Determination of design parameters.

(Article 41, paragraph 15)


Article 1.< /b>

Scope of application.

1. This annex regulates the methods for determining the fees due for the project phases to be used as the basis for the assignments of engineering and architectural services, determined by updating the tariff framework referred to in table Z-2 of the decree of the Minister of Justice of 17 June 2016, published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic n. 174 of 27 July 2016 (hereinafter «ministerial decree 17 June 2016»), to the provisions of article 41 of the code.

2. For the determination of additional professional services, the ministerial decree of 17 June 2016 applies.


Article 2.< /p>

Division of the rates of the ministerial decree of 17 June 2016.

1. Until the date of adoption of the decree referred to in article 41, paragraph 15, of the code, the rates provided for by the ministerial decree of 17 June 2016 are distributed in relation to the project phases as regulated by the same article 41 of the code, according to table A annexed to this annex.

2. The rates relating to the preliminary design as defined in the ministerial decree of 17 June 2016 are fully attributed to the technical-economic feasibility project (PFTE).

3. The rates relating to the definitive design as defined by the ministerial decree of 17 June 2016 are fully attributed to the PFTE and added to those referred to in paragraph 2, according to the following criteria:

a) the QbII.05 rate must be attributed to the executive design in case there is no joint assignment of the design and execution of the works, and to the PFTE in the case of an integrated contract;

b) the QbII.08 rate does not applies in the case of an integrated contract, as the provision of the special specifications and the contract scheme on the PFTE is already compensated by the QbI.05 rate.

4. The rates relating to the executive planning as defined in the ministerial decree of 17 June 2016 are fully attributed to the new executive planning, according to the following criteria:

a) the QbIII.03 rates, QbIII.04, QbIII.05, QbIII.07, in the case of an integrated contract, must be paid half to the design of the PFTE and, for the remaining half, to the executive project in order to compensate for the revision services in executive phase of the documents advanced to the PFTE;

b) in ordinary cases, i.e. joint assignment of the two design phases, the rates QbIII.03, QbIII.04, QbIII.05, QbIII.07 remain entirely the responsibility of the executive design.

5. Following the determination of the amount to be used as a basis for the tender, in relation to contracts for which the adoption of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology is mandatory, a percentage increase of 10 percent must be applied. on the overall calculation of fees and before the application of the percentage relating to expenses and additional charges, which are also calculated on the BIM percentage increase. This increase must be applied to all services and to all the services entrusted.


TABLE A< /p>

< tr> < td>


< td>

Descriptive and performance specifications

< td>


< td>


< /tr>


Description of individual services


Technical-economic feasibility project

Reports, plans, drawings


Summary expense calculation, economic framework of project


Preliminary parcel plan of the areas or general survey of properties


Economic plan and general financial specifications


Special descriptive specifications and performance, contract scheme


Geotechnical report


Hydrological report


Hydraulic report


Seismic report and on the structures


Archaeological report



Geological report


Integral and coordinated planning – integration of specialist services

< /td>


Urban inclusion study


Technical report on the state of consistency of the properties to be renovated

< /td>


First indications for fire prevention design


First indications and prescription for the drafting of safety plans


Environmental pre-feasibility studies


Environmental monitoring plan

Support to the RUP: supervision and coordination of preliminary design


Support for RUP: preliminary design verification

< /td>


First indications of maintenance plan with Q=0.010


General and technical reports, drawings, calculation of structures and systems, any reports on the resolution of interferences and reports on material management


Surveys of the artifacts



< p>Expropriation parcel plan


List of unit prices and any analyses, estimated metric calculation, economic framework


Urban inclusion study


Planoaltimetric surveys


Scheme of contract, special tender specifications


Geotechnical report


Hydrological report


Hydraulic relation


Seismic and structural report


Geological report


Historical-critical analysis and report on existing structures


Report on investigations of materials and structures for existing buildings

Seismic verification of existing structures and identification of structural deficiencies


Integral and coordinated planning – integration of specialist services


Fire protection design documents


Landscape report

< p align="center">QbII.19

Papers and reports for acoustic requirements


Energy relationship


Energy diagnosis of existing buildings, excluding surveys and investigations


Update of the first indications and requirements for drafting the PSC

Environmental impact or environmental feasibility study


Environmental monitoring plan


Support to the RUP: supervision and coordination of the final design


Support for RUP: verification of the final design



General and specialist reports, drawings, executive calculations



Constructive and decorative details



Estimated metric calculation , economic overview, price list and possible analysis, overview of the percentage incidence of the quantity of manpower



Contract outline, special tender specifications, timetable



Work maintenance plan



Integral and coordinated planning – integration of specialist services



Security and coordination plan



Support to the RUP: supervision and coordination of the executive design

QbIII .08


RUP support: verification of executive design



Support to the RUP: for planning and tender design



Support for RUP: for project validation



Reading note< /b>

1) The rates relating to the former preliminary design are all confirmed in the new PFTE.

2) The rates relating to the former definitive are transferred to the new PFTE, for exception of the following:

2.1) QbII.05: transfers to the executive in case there is no joint assignment of the design and execution of the works or to the new PFTE in the case of integrated procurement;< /p>

2.2) QbII.08: it is no longer to be used.

With the new Code, the PFTE must achieve such in-depth analysis as to obtain all environmental, landscape and technical authorizations, which previously they were reserved for the definitive phase. With these objectives, the new PFTE effectively absorbs all the technical, relational and graphic contents of the outdated definitive design.

3) The rates relating to the former executive design are all confirmed in the new executive design, with the following exception:

3.1) QbIII.03, QbIII.04, QbIII.05 , QbIII.07: in the case of integrated procurement, 50 percent of the aforementioned rates are attributed to the new PFTE, while the remaining 50 percent is the responsibility of the executive to compensate for the executive revision of the documents advanced to the PFTE; in ordinary cases, without integrated procurement, they remain entirely the responsibility of the executive design.

In the event that the PFTE is drawn up for the completion of the integrated procurement, the rule requires the anticipation of some documents ( PSC, PdM, in-depth calculations with related analyses, timetable and specifications) which will have to be compensated in this phase. Since, however, during the executive project phase the same documents will have to be reviewed and adjusted at the expense of the successful tenderer, the working hypothesis envisaged the division of said rates into two equal components, half to be attributed to the new PFTE and half to the executive project, for the burden of revision and updating.

4) Introduction of a new rate to the PFTE: QbI.21 – First indications of the maintenance plan - with Q=0.010, as for the first indications and requirements for the drafting of the safety plans. This is a document not previously provided for by the regulations, introduced by the new Code, the processing of which is of non-trivial complexity and which must be fairly compensated.

5) Introduction, in relation to contracts for which the BIM methodology, of a percentage increase of 10 percent to be applied to the overall calculation of fees before calculating expenses and additional charges (which must also be calculated on the BIM percentage increase).


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