Annex II.11 Professional or commercial registers for economic operators from other Member States.
(Article 100, paragraph 3)
The professional and commercial registers, the declarations and corresponding certificates for each Member State are:
- for Belgium, «Registre du Commerce»/«Handelsregister» and, for service contracts, «Ordres commercialels/Beroepsorden»,
- for Bulgaria, «Търговски регистър»,
- for the Czech Republic, «obchodní rejst& #345;ík»,
- for Denmark, «Erhvervsstyrelsen»,
- for Germany, «Handelsregister», «Handwerksrolle», and, for service contracts « Vereinsregister"; «Partnerschaftsregister» and «Mitgliedsverzeichnisse der Berufskammern der Länder»,
- for Estonia, «Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus»,
- for Ireland, an economic operator can be invited to produce a certificate from the "Registrar of Companies" or the "Registrar of Friendly Societies" or, failing that, a certificate specifying that the interested party has declared under oath to practice the profession in question in the country in which he is established, in a specific place and under a specific commercial name,
- for Greece, «Μητρώο Εργοληπτικών Επιχειρήσεων — ΜΕΕΠ» of the Ministry of the Environment, Territorial Planning and Public Works (Υ.ΠΕ.ΧΩ.Δ.Ε) for procurement of works; «Βιοτεχνικό ή Εμπορικό ή Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο» and «Μητρώο Κατασκευαστώ 957; Αμυντικού Υλικού» for supply contracts; for service contracts, the service provider may be asked to produce a sworn declaration made before a notary, regarding the exercise of the professional activity in question; in the cases provided for by the national legislation in force, for the provision of the research services referred to in Annex I, the professional register «Μητρώο ; Μελετητών» as well as «Μητρώο Γραφείων Μελετών»,
- for Spain, «Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas del Estado" for works and service contracts and, for supply contracts, "Registro Mercantil" or, in the case of unregistered persons, a certificate attesting that the interested party has declared under oath to practice the profession in question, p>
- for France, «Registre du commerce e des societes» and «Repertoire des metiers»,
- for Croatia, «Sudski registrar» and «Obrtni registrar» or, for certain activities, a certificate certifying that the interested party is authorized to carry out the commercial activity or profession in question,
- for Italy, «Registro della Camera di Commercio , industry, agriculture and crafts"; for supply and service contracts, also the «Register of Provincial Commissions for Crafts» or, in addition to the registers already mentioned, the «National Council of Professional Orders» for service contracts; for works or service contracts, the «National Register of Environmental Managers» in addition to the registers already mentioned,
- for Cyprus, the entrepreneur may be invited to present a certificate from the «Council for the Registration and Audit of Civil Engineering and Building Contractors (Συμβούλιο Ε& #947;γραφήςκαι Ελέ ;γχου Εργοληπτ& #974;ν Οικοδομικών ; και Τεχνικών Έ& #961;γων)», in accordance with the Registration and Audit of Civil Engineering and Building Contractors Law for works contracts; for supply and service contracts, the supplier or service provider may be required to submit a certificate from the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver (Έφορο ;ς Εταιρειών κα& #953; Επίσημος Παρα ;λήπτης) or, otherwise, a certificate attesting that the interested party has declared, under oath, to practice the profession in the country in which is established, in a specific place and with a particular commercial name,
- for Latvia, « Uzņēmumu reģistrs » («Business Register») ,
- for Lithuania, « Juridinių asmenų registras»,
- for Luxembourg, «Registre aux firmes» and «Rôle de la chambre des metiers»,
- for Hungary , « Cégnyilvántartás », «egyéni vállalkozók jegyzői nyilvántartása», and, for service contracts, certain «szakmai kamarák nyilvántartása» or, in the case of certain activities, a certificate attesting that the interested party is authorized to carry out the commercial activity or profession in question,
- for Malta, the economic operator obtains his «numru tà registrazzjoni tat- Taxxa tal- Valur Miżjud (VAT) u n- numru tal- licenzja tà kummerc", and, in the case of partnerships or companies, the relevant registration number issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority,
- for the Netherlands, "Handelsregister",
< p>- for Austria, «Firmenbuch», «Gewerberegister», «Mitgliederverzeichnisse der Landeskammern»,
- for Poland, «Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy »,
- for Portugal, «Instituto da Construção e do Imobiliário » (INCI) for works contracts; «Registro Nacional das Pessoas Colectivas», for supply and service contracts,
- for Romania, «Registrul Comerțului»,
- for Slovenia, « Sodni register» and «obrtni register»,
- for Slovakia, «Obchodný register»,
- for Finland, «Kaupparekisteri»/«Handelregistret»,
- for Sweden, «aktiebolags-, handels — eller föreningsregistren».