Art. 34. Energy and environmental sustainability criteria

1. Contracting authorities or entities shall contribute to the achievement of the environmental goals provided for in the Action Plan for environmental sustainability of the consumptions in the public administration sector by means of the inclusion, in the design and tender documents, at least of the technical specifications and contract clauses included in the minimum environmental criteria adopted by means of a decree of the Minister of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea and in conformity, with reference to the purchase of goods and services in the sectors of collective catering and supply of foodstuffs, also to what specifically provided for in Article 144.

2. The minimum environmental criteria defined in the decree referred to in paragraph, particularly rewarding criteria, shall be taken into consideration also for the purpose of preparing tender documents for the application of the criterion of the most economically advantageous tender within the meaning of Article 95, paragraph 6. In case of contracts relating to procurement contracts referring to restructuration, including demolition and reconstruction, the minimum environmental criteria referred to in paragraph 1, shall be taken into account, where possible, in relation to the typology of the intervention and of the localization of the works to be realized, on the basis of appropriate criteria defined by the Minister of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea.

3. The obligations referred to in paragraphs , 2 and 3 shall apply for awards of any amount, in relation to the categories of supplies and awards of services and works constituting the subject matter of minimum environmental criteria adopted in the abovementioned Action Plan.
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