Article 84. Publication at European level.

1. Notices, prior information notices and notices relating to contracts awarded for an amount equal to or greater than the thresholds referred to in Article 14 are drawn up by the contracting authorities and transmitted to the Publications Office of the European Union, for via the national database of public contracts, according to methods compliant with Annex II.7. Confirmation by the said Office of receipt and notice of the publication transmitted, with indication of the date of publication, is valid as proof of publication. Upon first application of the code, Annex II.7 is repealed from the date of entry into force of a corresponding regulation adopted pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 3, of Law no. of 23 August 1988. 400, with decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, which replaces it entirely also as an annex to the code. 2. The notices and notices are published in full in Italian, without prejudice to the regulations in force in the autonomous province of Bolzano on bilingualism; the text published in these languages is the only authentic one. A summary of the important elements of each notice or notice shall be published by the Publications Office of the European Union in the other official languages of the institutions of the European Union. 3. Contracting authorities may send for publication notices relating to public contracts which are not subject to the obligation of publication by the Publications Office of the European Union, provided that they are transmitted to that office according to the model and methods specified in paragraph 1. EFFECTIVE FROM: 1st January 2024


REPORT Article 84 establishes publication at European level for notices, prior information notices and notices relating to contracts awarded for an amount equal to or greater than the thresholds of E...


NEW • The provisions detailing times and methods of publication found in the art. have not been re-proposed. 49 of directive no. 2014/24/UE. • The notices and notices must comply with the content re...
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